bigger tyres


Forum Member
Jul 2, 2010
hi, i have a stock 92 L series and need new tyres. i want to go bigger and want to know how big i can go on my stock rims, and if there is any problems with bigger tyres (speedo out, ect). will i need 2 regear?? will it drive different?? and do i need a lift ( i seem to have a lot of clearance to go bigger)
Hi Burmonster

There isn't a lot of tyres to pick from with 13" rims :sad: If you look around on the forums you can pick up 14" rims and tyres prity cheap
The biggest you can go is 27/8.5/14 and that is with a bit of guard cutting and a few hits with a hammer that's with a lifted car tho i don't know if they will fit on a stock brumby it would come close.
As for the speedo on those tyres and rims your speedo will be out by 10kmh you can get used to it prity quick
If you plan on doing some off road work i would strongly recommend 14" rims to start you will love the extra clearance just with the extra hight on the tyres
You will gain 69mm in hight just by putting 27/8.5/14 on, Here is a tyre calculator you can compare different tyre sizes with
You will loose a bit of power tho you have to weigh up the pros and cons
There is a guy in the club who had 29' tyres on his brumby with a stock a engine he still got around ok but had to give it a bit more on hill climbs to get up and more strain on the clutch to

ok thx mate. ill have a look around. dunno if ill be doin enought 4x4ing to warrent the power loss. is a wider tyre possble?? like a 195 or something (i have 175 on atm)