anyone remember this group?


Forum Member
May 21, 2009
The Sisters Of Mercy


Why yes, yes I do. I have quite a bit of their music on these big, round, black plastic things, what do you call those???:iconwink:
Hmmm Nope sorry, can't say I've heard of them... I vaguely remember those big black things... Last time i tried to listen to one, as a kid, i spent some time looking for a skip button... and when I asked my dad, he just laughed.


My problem is, I don't currently have a compatible player for those large discs. It's on my 'list of things to do' to put all that music into more current formats, in the mean time...

[ame=""]Bauhaus Ziggy Stardust[/ame]
Hmmm Nope sorry, can't say I've heard of them... I vaguely remember those big black things... Last time i tried to listen to one, as a kid, i spent some time looking for a skip button... and when I asked my dad, he just laughed.



skip button LOL them record players had a built in skip function :lol:
ddddddddddayayayayayadddaaaaaayyyyy :p
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& a modern version fear factory/gary numan
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some of gary numan's latest work not bad for a guy in his 50's to be still making music some 30 yrs after his first release he sure don't look as old as he is
this guy is part of the reason I started my own music career




The Sisters Of Mercy

Hell yeah!!

"Twenty-five whor*s, and I need more!"

"Get back, what I paid, for another motherf*cker in a motorcade!"

Those were some of my all-time favorite lyrics.

I upgraded my SOM collection to CDs in the mid 90's. They've since been ripped to MP3 and are on my iMac, iPods, iPhone, and iPad. :biggrin:
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They've since been ripped to MP3 and are on my iMac, iPods, iPhone, and iPad. :biggrin:

Your an iJunkie!!!:iconwink: We have an iPod Touch, it's awesome. Father in law has an iPad, iPod touch on steroids. Wife has a Mac Pro, but it's her work computer, I don't get to touch it.:sad:

And all my SOM remains un-playable on outdated formats.:raspberry:
No denying that I'm a Mac-addict. I'm highly susceptible to Steve Jobs' RDF (reality-distortion field).

Carl, you should look into a turntable with USB output. I've seen kits on Amazon for less than USD 100 that include the software to convert your LPs to MP3 or another digital format of your choice. If you still like those old tunes, I figure it'd be worth it.
For what it's worth, it's predicted that LPs will actually outlive CDs. CD sales are plummeting and LP sales are actually increasing.
For what it's worth, it's predicted that LPs will actually outlive CDs. CD sales are plummeting and LP sales are actually increasing.

This assumes that LPs haven't already (or will not) end up in a landfill. Other than some hardcore professional DJs, I know hardly anyone who still has a turntable as part of their audio setup. And even DJs are going digital.

I held on to my Siemens tube amplifier radio for many, many years. But when I moved out of my parents' home, my father promptly discarded it. I miss its warm sound, but not the 2-3 minutes it took to warm up. These days, I enjoy instant gratification. :ebiggrin:
USB turntable is on the "list" but sadly, it's way down on the list of things we must spend money on.:sad:

Even if I successfully convert all my albums to digital, I'll always hold on to the albums themselves. One thing I feel that is really missed out on with everything going digital is the art, even a CD cover is to small to show some of the amazing album cover art out there.:raspberry:
This assumes that LPs haven't already (or will not) end up in a landfill. Other than some hardcore professional DJs, I know hardly anyone who still has a turntable as part of their audio setup. And even DJs are going digital.

I held on to my Siemens tube amplifier radio for many, many years. But when I moved out of my parents' home, my father promptly discarded it. I miss its warm sound, but not the 2-3 minutes it took to warm up. These days, I enjoy instant gratification. :ebiggrin:

No, what's happening is sales of CD media is declining as people move to pure digital format, and at the same time, people are turning back to LPs - not just for the analogue sound but the whole experience of holding a 12" album sleeve, the cover art etc.

British sales of seven-inch records peaked in 1979, with 89 million copies sold, but as CDs became more popular they slumped to less than 180,000 in 2001. Last year sales rose to 223,000.

Another influence is that a number of new albums being released entitle the owner to a 'free' download of the MP3 version of the tracks, so the best of both worlds.