G'day ShoeyRu,
Thinks to check with the MY series:
Rust under/around the windscreen - front and rear. Rust under the subi near the front of the front doors, if there's ANY sign of rust here walk away unless you're good with metal work and body fabrication. Also open the doors and check the front section on the inside of the door as I've seen these rust out and in Vic you can't get it roadworthied with rust in the door. Check the A pillar (pillar with windscreen) while the door is open too.
Other than that its pretty much the mechanical side of things to look at. Check oil before and after starting/running for a while. Take it for a drive and listen for noises from the gearbox, rear diff, bearings and CV's.
Take a look at any evident oil leaks. Check the coolant level and condition before starting. With the oil and coolant, if its very fresh the seller could be hiding something, best to ask questions to see what their reaction is.
If it doesn't feel right walk away, there will be others. The hardest thing to do when buying a car is leaving the emotions at the door as they'll be saying "YES YES!!" while your head is saying "no... nope, this isn't right" quietly.
Good luck on your search, there's heaps that can be done with the MY if you wanted to
All of the above goes for the brumby as well as checking the cab/tray wall/floor section for rust, also check the tailgate as they're hard to get.