copied from ausubaru forum but just to keep anyone that be might be interested up to date
Plan is to meet at Torquay at 9.oo am Saturday morning, then head to Anglesea Heath and up to Paddys Swamp. From there it is unplanned but basically head to aire river via any tracks that we might find interesting.
Anglesea Heath is any easy but interesting drive to get to Paddys Swamp. Paddys Swamp is a playground for 4WDing so there are apparently some hard tracks. It is an area that you can drive into and out of easily and only do hard tracks if you are interested.
The plan was to camp at aire river east but according to parks vic it is currently closed. We can camp on the wet side but camp fires are not permitted. There are also plenty of other campsites in the otways we could chose.
further closures:
Due to a land slip on Binns road, Colac Otway Shire has closed the road for repair until the 14 May. Consequently the Redwoods campground, Hopetoun Falls and Beauchamp Falls will be inaccessible during this time.
Kaanglang Rd will be closed for repairs between the Lake Elizabeth turn off and Mt Sabine Rd from 11 May to 19 May. The road will however be open on weekends and access to Lake Elizabeth will be possible throughout the period.
Aire River East camp ground is closed until further notice due to wet conditions.
The toilet block and one of the gas BBQs at the Sheoak picnic ground are closed for repairs. Two gas BBQs in the main area of the picnic ground remain operational.
Castle Cove Lookout will be closed from 19-24 April for maintenance (does not affect Great Ocean Walk).
Parker Spur Rd, Calder Ridge Rd, Redwater Track and Clearwater Track closed for bridgeworks.
No water available at Blanket Bay and Parker Hill Campgrounds.
4wd tracks closed for works: Wye River Rd, Wye River Tk, Curtis Tk, Kennett-Wye Jeep Tk and Jamieson Tk from intersection of Jamieson Tk top end and Godfrey Tk.
Closures due to upgrade of Painkalac Reservoir Spillway
No access to Painkalac Reservoir until late 2010.
Walking track from Distillery Creek Picnic Ground to Painkalac Reservoir closed until late 2010.
Walking track leading from Moggs Creek Picnic Ground to Gentle Annie Tk remains open.
Walking track through reservoir from Distillery Creek to Moggs Creek picnic grounds closed.
Some of the tracks that are closed are the ones we went on last time, so unfortunately we cannot go there again.
We will obviously check out the tracks and sand pit ScubyRoo has suggested and anyone else's ideas, but at the same time cater for all levels of xperience.
By all means you do not have to camp out if you wish to come, just come for a day trip if you want.
I will call for some confirmations in a few days and confirm the meet point and time, if everyone is happy