Looks like it could be a new housing estate, or similar, (new kerbs, layback gutter crossings and new grass) in which case I would expect a default of 50kph.
Barry- it is at Kellyville Ridge in Sydney- not sure what is over the rise- eventually WIndsor Rd.
One Bob- ROFL- love it. That looks like a Vic rego sticker on an old cruiser (40 series?). But where was the photo taken?
Yes Rally it's a swb BJ40 i was test driving in January. The photo was taken at Mansfield, Victoria. The old boy who offered it up for sale couldn't go through with the sale in the end - he was fair dinkum when he said it was a reluctant sale
The shut gate and fence in 10m is more of a problem than what is over the ride.
Being serious for a minute - in general I think that the RTA has done a good job in making speed limits more sensible in Sydney. Well in the most part!
Still a few places that seem strange - like tollways with the limit different in each direction for no apparent reason.
Anyway - I mostly stick within about 15km/h of the limit. Except on the bike - when I try to stay within twice the limit!
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