block and tackle


Forum Member
Sep 29, 2008
hey, how well do you think a block and tackle would work to pull out a suby?

I have a 1 tonne block at home so was thinking that i could use it as a winch possibly?

if it can lift 1 tonne then as far as winching goes maybe it'd be able to pull the equivelent of 3-4?

its a cheap winch!
From what I got from a conversation with my uncle about load ratings and cables is that if you're lifting the rating has to be four (ten comes to mind for some reason too) times greater than what you're trying to lift, and if you're pulling horizontally it has to be twice the weight rating than what you're trying to pull - to be safe and reliable.

I guess that's where the last bit comes into play - reliability (safety is obvious), if you're using the winch/block and tackle it usually means you're stuck and NEED to get out. If you're using something that's not correctly rated you can deminish your chance of achieving your goal.

If I were you I'd be looking at something in the 2 tonne range to start at - then go up from there. My little dodgy hand winch was about $70 and is rated to 4 tonnes. It goes alright on the little subi but I'd hate to give it a go on a patrol or the like!


yeh fare enough, i have a 2 ton hand winch too, it sucks. I can lift up the back of the suby (from the tow bar) straight up with the block and tackle no effort at all. theres no way i'd be able to do that with my winch.

so i figure it's stronger, i think the reason is that it's actually geared as opposed to the hand winch
Better than nothing. I used my 1 tonne block and tackle to pull a Vee Dub Beetle up a steep grass hill when a mate trying to do a u"y slid down it. But that is different from mud and so on which tends to suck the car in.