Aftermarket lights, stock SF fog location?


Forum Member
Nov 23, 2008
Long Island, New York USA
Has anyone mounted aftermarket driving or fog lights in the stock location on a Forester? I'm interested in maybe installing Hella 500's, or something similar, in that spot and I'm not sure if it will work. Mine is a 1998, by the way. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks guys.
Hi All from Australia!

I too, do not wish to pay the AUD$570.00 asked for by Subaru for these lights on my new '10 Forester.

I cam across this website (Notice that the picture of the Forester is an XT - I.e with Factory Foglights!)
They seem really cheap. Any dealt with them before?
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You could use Hella's Comet FF200 or the Xenon model. Fits the SG model Foresters very nicely in the stock location.
KC Hilite 50 Series (#489) fit in the stock fog locations of my 08 Outback US. Requires a little drilling but a pretty straight forward install
Just an FYI everyone, the SG / Outbacks etc..... all have round foglamps, the OP has an SF which has square foglamps. IIRC Hella makes a 500 that is square and looks like it would fit in there. Best thing to do would be to remove the light and measure the dimension (don't forget to include depth!) and find something that matches (or is close enough) For our use we left the stock foglamps in place and added some Hella 500's to the front (and a few 1000's on the roof for good measure :p) Another thing to consider is to make a new harness for the foglamps as the stock wiring is pretty small, don't forget to add fuses relays etc....
You might want to decide whether you want fog or driving lights. While foggies work well down low, it is always better to mounting spotties up as high as you can. I mounted some Cibie Oscar SC's next to my headlights on my MY05. Worked brilliantly, um, so to speak.