Cooling System - '89 Touring Wagon


Hi all,

Having some trouble with the cooling system in the '89 Touring Wagon.

Engine is overheating after about 30 minutes, coolant fills the overflow and bubbles away and leaks from there. Seems like there is a block somewhere in the system.

Anyone had these problems in the past? Seems like a major air block in there. Doesn't feel like a blown head gasket, though...

Have removed the thermostat, which has helped but hasn't fixed the problem.

Any advice would be fantastic, cheers.

Does it do it all the time, or only on these hot days?

If all the time, I would suspect head gasket first, especially if it bubbling while running, or maybe a dud water pump.

It it is only on the hot days, check the thermo fan is working, then install a cooler running thermostat.

Pretty much as Beigewagon said.

I'd also look at having the radiator cleaned out - its called rodding. This will clean out any crap in the cooling channels or let you know if you need a new radiator. I blew mine up before getting it rodded and ended up getting a three core all copper/brass unit made up from aussie desert coolers in Prahan (I think it was) - $450. Now its cooling my EJ22 :D

I'd be checking the head gaskets - put it on ramps, take the radiator cap off and run the motor. If its continually bubbling I'd put my money on the head gasket. Also check your oil after running the motor, if it's creamy your head gaskets are dead...

