Trailer / van 12 volt systems, including solar charging


Forum Member
Aug 20, 2009
Melbourne, Vic.
I thought it might be useful to have a thread about these systems to discuss requirements of both large and small systems, including circuit design, system components, etc. (i.e. a different focus to the 'second battery in the car' thread in the 'electrical' thread of the technical section.)

Potentially as much of an issue for tent campers as for those who tow.

My objective, with my small camper trailer, is to be able to run a fridge, and a couple of lights for several days.
Will list my components in a subsequent post.
However, I have a solar panel and controller, a 150ah sealed battery and a 6 amp waeco mains charger.

At the moment the battery is 'stuck' on 11.3 volts charging from 240volts via the waeco, however I think the charger may be faulty, as the green LED goes out without the red LED coming on. I'll try hooking up the solar panel tomorrow, hopefully it will give an increase in charge.
suspect your battery has cell cancer:sad:

i'm in the process of setting up new install for 2nd battery. And since i got a new battery i want ot look after it. i've looked at 1 or 2 in car battery controllers, and :egeek: thinking can do better........
1) isolated charge circuit
2) up to 12Amp bulk charge (battery rated at 13amp charge)
3) low volt protection on starter and zux battery
4) floating pulse charge - desulphating mode
5) current monitor, battery consumption meter
6) easy to reverse the charge, ie aux charging low starter battery.
7) separate solar power input (not sure yet, i already got a separate
step-up-down regulator controller for it, but maybe to integrate this function somehow in the new charge controller......)

so far prototype is PIC controlled push-pull inverter, early stages yet.....
Hello Fred,

Thanks Fred, I would be interested to see photos of what the prototype looks like.
My electrical know how really is limited to copying the detail of what others have done.
It also has one thing in common with my musical 'ability', I can't read either music or circuit diagrams. :lol::lol::lol:
Just as well I don't need to be hold a tune to crimp wire!;)

Been there; complex matters.

Barry, yes. Or your battery is cactus.

You need a smart charger that will deliver around 10% of your batt. amps, and pref have a desulphate/rejuvenate cycle. And deliver a continuous float charge; ie., with a deep cycle battery, always connected.

A deep cycle battery will be discharged to 50% at about 12.2 V. Go below that and you'll shorten its life.

There's some good info on calculating load, recharging and related matters at

when the site is up again.

On my CT there's 200 amp hours of capacity, charged off the Fozz while driving. That's good for a Waeco 40l fridge run at 4 degrees C, a couple of compact fluoro 12V lights and a bit spare for charging laptops and phones; when fully charged that's good for 5-6 days of camping depending on ambient temps.

