OK, changing the clutch is best done by removing the box. To move the engiine forward would risk it hitting the fans and radiator for no benefit. You will need to remove the front driveshafts. To do this, you will need a pin punch of about 6mm so as to punch out the pins. Then you will have to remove the lower arm from the hub. There are 2 ways of doing this, most under the pin that secures the ball joint. There cab issues doing it this way if the nut is seized on to the bolt though.
You will then need to remove the gearshift linkages, speedo and wiring etc. Remove the tailshaft. On turbo models you will need to remove the pin that holds the pivot for the throw out bearing, which will require a hex key, forget the size. Disconnect the battery and remove the starter motor. By now, there should only be the mounts and bellhousing bolts to undo. Make sure nothing else has been missed.
You will need a mate to help you, especially if you do not have any mechanical assistance or stands. The box is reasonably heavy. There are workshop manuals out there with any luck, but I think I've included eveything. Replace the throw out bearing, and check the flywheel- most people machine the face of it. Also check the ring gear to make sure there are no chipped or missing teeth. But becareful removing the flywheel because they are heavy too, and fall very quickly, so I generally leave couple of bolts in until it has been worked a bit loose. Saves fingers and toes that way.
When putting back together ensure you tighten the flywheel and clutch bolts the right amount. Torque wrenches work well for this- well, good ones do anyway. You will need to align the clutch plate- an old input shaft does the trick, and there are tools which do the same thing. If you are really good, you can do it by sight. If you do not have mechanical aptitude then get someone else to do it. Even if you do, see if your helper is someone who knows what they are doing to guide you on this. Hopefully, others may have others things to add in case I have left something out.