3895 miles in nine days


Forum Member
Nov 2, 2008
Oceanside, New York, USA
With my 80 yo mother. We went from NY to South Dakota to see the great grand kids.

It was actually a fun trip. Mom also had no fear about going off pavement. The buffalo and buros on the other hand she was not happy with.





More detailed (read non car pics)


WOW that is a lot of driving. :eek: :ebiggrin:
The pics in the slideshow are great & I have to say that those donkeys aren't shy are they. :lol:

Mr Turbo
That's an awesome effort! Is your mum sick of the subi yet??? I know my brother was after a trip to perth and back in two weeks...


That's an awesome effort! Is your mum sick of the subi yet??? I know my brother was after a trip to perth and back in two weeks...



a good mum will never get sick of a subie as long as her son is driving it ;)
mums will always be in our hearts as will subies.:discomonkey: i just bought my missus a MY03 foz. will post pics soon:lildevil:

P.S. Nipper nice effort mate.
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My father was a professional driver. He trained Mom that "we dont stop till we get there" and bathroom breaks are when the car needs gas. This was before they invented the big gulp.

Mom was fine throughout the entire trip. At the 9th day She started to get on my nerves, and thats when we got home.

She didnt find the seats comfortable in Blu, but mom is only 5'1" and not used to long car rides.

Was still cheaper then the two of us flying, and she wouldnt fly anyway.
Hehehe... Mum's sick of me working on my subi - my partner is the same but even more so! It has been a lot better since having the EJ sorted but there's still so much to do as well!

I don't think I could drive around with my mum for 9 days, that's a top effort Nipper!


mums will always be in our hearts as will subies.:discomonkey: i just bought my missus a MY03 foz. will post pics soon:lildevil:
They sure will mate, they sure will. :)

Now I must ask..... when are you going to get it dirty ?
Or is that not allowed.........well, not yet anyway :twisted: :lol: :biggrin:

Mr Turbo
Me too sorry nipper :o

Now, getting back to the trip, that tunnel thats been carved out of rock (2nd pic) to allow cars to drive through is amazing.

Mr Turbo

Thats needles highway in the Black Hills. You should see it when a (ick) tour bus tries to go through it. Thats why i like going in Oct, no tour buses.
