Urban Assault Forester (tons of pics 56k beware)


Forum Member
Oct 6, 2009

I thought I would post up here instead of the new members section as I have alot of pics.

My info:

Name: Mike
Location: Ottawa ON, Canada
Car: 1998 Forester S

I bought my Forester as a daily driver but like all my cars the modifing started the second I got it.

The goods:

- DIY flat black paint
- JDM EJ25
- JDM replica header soon to be a custom fabbed header im welding up
- Custom 2.25 exhaust
- DIY huge mudlflaps
- DIY fender mud guards
- Custom roof basket with spare and shovel
- Yellowed OEM fogs
- Custom brush guard from a dodge ram (took me 25hours to cut/weld/fab)
- 2x Hella 500 yellow fogs on brush guard 50watts each
- 4x driving light on rack 100watts each:ebiggrin:

Soon to come Geolanders in the summer and thanks to the generous information from frogstar7055 a 2 inch lift!

Pics old to current:










My car:



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Not too sure about the red wheels but the rest looks good.

Very nice pics of the WRX.

Welcome to the forum :)
G'day D-Series & :welcome:to ORS.
Nice looking Subi you have there :)
I like the bullbar too, it looks really mean :twisted: :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo
Red wheels are gone. As you can see from the current pics. I'm also painting the winters black too. Have to keep with the dark theme.

Fogs are yellow using 3M protective film (in yellow, obviously). All the lights are wired independantly. So in heavy fog/snow I run just the yellows, if it is terrible I just run the lower fogs.

Thanks for all the replies,


Kinda hard to not show a diy paint job when it's flat black.

It was thinned and sprayed like any other paint job. Just no clear and now there's a bunch of spots where I hit it with aerosol cans.

I wouldn't change the flat paint for the world. The wrx is shiny, why have two.

I haven't washed the forester in over 7 months!
haha... iv only washed my 4runner once since i bought it in march... but it got a nice washing in the rain we got here a couple days ago... rained about 2 inches in less than 30 hours, and it was the cleanest iv seen my truck in a while... haha
I don't remember ever building it to be pretty....Haha

Wether thought to be ugly or agressive... It's function>fashion. It gets me through snow and mud/keeps my fast car clean.
"Forester Ugly"! Is good ! :iconwink: It shows purpose.