Why language? what do u mean? Maybe that's why I don't hear as much chatter
by language, I mean that there's a lot of name calling,racist,sexist comments,etc.... just go on channel 19 when stuck in a major traffic jam due to a crash, it doesn't take 5 seconds that drivers are yelling after each others for absolutely no reason, calling the other driver a f*** f*g or commenting on a female driver talking on the radio...the list goes on. a lot of drivers just chut the radio off these days. myself, i just stay on the french canadian channel(12) if channel 19 is getting too crowded.
as for channel 9, it's not the local channel but the emergency channel. normal you don't hear much chatter on that channel. for traffic,accident,etc it's channel 19 your way to go since it's the trucker channel. don't worry, it's not all about bad language :lol: it's worst in some parts of the u.s. but seeing you're from CO, it's generally pretty civilized on the cb up there. it's a minority of drivers who disturb but it's them we hear the most so... and don't be shy to ask for infos on 19, we're not all killers on the loose :lol:! just remember that we use cb lingo for alot of stuff like:
my favorites: meat wagon = ambulance
dirt nap = death
bubble gum machine = cop car with flashing lights on roof
I found this website with all the cb slang, quite funny and helpful if you wanna know where the cops are since there's so many different terms used for cops depending if sherriff,rookie,local,etc...have fun!
my radio and antenna: (i use this radio in my forester as well but not the antenna)