Subaru to the Rescue


Forum Member
Dec 16, 2008
Logan Qld
I was at Double Island Point for a weekend, Killing some time in the morning i was driving on the sand.

When i saw these two "real 4wd's" bogged i drove by had a look and a bit of a giggle and kept on going, it got the better of me so i did a u turn in the same sand that they were bogged in:rolleyes:

I stopped and got out (with the smell of burnt clutch in the air) i asked them if they wanted a hand the answer i got was very grateful yes please:biggrin:

I asked what tyre pressure they were running they said 35lb i said take another 15lb out then i said didn't the max-tracks work i got a big NO and i had a another giggle.

I then revised up the ruts that they couldn't get through to hook up the snatch strap the rest you can see.

Ps For bragging rights i asked one of the wives if she can video it :twisted:


[ame=""]YouTube - bogged[/ame]

Absolutely brilliant. :yourock:
As the new catch phrase says... "If they only knew, they'd be in a Subaru" :ebiggrin: :quitar: :lol:

Mr Turbo