Wheeling with Smash 09-13-09


Forum Member
May 23, 2009
Brighton, Colorado
Ok, I can't wait any longer. I'm starting this thread. What I'm gonna ask everybody is to please leave your comments for AFTER all the pictures and videos are on here (from me, Smash, and plaInJoe). That way, all the pics and video are nicely together and easy to view. It's gonna take a while to get everything up here but please be patient

The report:
So Smash put together a good day and plaInJoe and me have joined him. I've brought my buddy Mike in his FJ who wasn't intimidated by the narroweness of the trail (or our Subies
). Me and Mike were only able to do the first half of the day as we had to return early for some prior arrangements
But, neverless, we've had a great time with Smash and Bruce. We've met up at the bottom of Central City Parkway at 9am and then we headed up through Apex to Moon Gulch and out to Rollinsville. I'll let Smash fill you in for the full report.
After we've split up in Rollinsville, Mike and I went back to Apex through Mammoth Gulch. We were doing great til we came up on a group of 5 4x4s that was heading up to Kingston. The last three vehicles were rudely stopped in the middle of the trail and I couldn't see the front two, so I've decided to pass the three. Well, they've decided to restart and I got stuck in the middle. Even though I was trying to push on the first three 4x4s they wouldn't pull over to let us pass
Finally, they let us pass right before the intersection to Kingston, but I couldn't figure out why they haven't done so earlier

Anyways, then we continued towards Apex, but decided to play around at a stream crossing for a little bit. Mike has driven up onto a rock to see what his flex was, and I've tried it after him. I'm proud to say that my OBW was able to not only climb the rock, but also to keep all four on the ground

After that we continued fast on to Denver which allowed for some cool rally-style driving between Apex and Central City
I was able to make it back to DIA at 1:40pm!
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The videos:

I've wanted to try this hill the last time I was here. A lot more steeper than it looks (just like Bruce and Mike found out)
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dxRLvPvwHg"]YouTube - Another Steep Hill climb[/ame]

Bruce attempting the hill (learning to listen to Smash :iconwink:)
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyp2OXBfyh0"]YouTube - Bruce hill attempt[/ame]

Mike's turn for a lesson in hill climbing
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f_JIGnYyU0"]YouTube - Mike's FJ climbing hill[/ame]

Smash trying going through moguls - Karla trying to figure out the best position to shoot from
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COgEgs_p8QI"]YouTube - Smash through moguls[/ame]

Bruce's turn through the moguls
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YoXncyvgGk"]YouTube - 04 plaInJoe through moguls[/ame]

Mike cruising through the moguls
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-HjXDbIJQ"]YouTube - Mike through moguls[/ame]

Me through the moguls, trying to pose for pictures (of wheel lifts)
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-TchM1MMlQ"]YouTube - SubaCool through moguls[/ame]

Driving through the forest
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWxv-tuxOJE"]YouTube - Drive by through the forest[/ame]

Karla filming the "train" from the roof basket
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3stsdT44yrc"]YouTube - Karla on the roof[/ame]​
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Bruce (blue X Forester), Karla and I went up to Nederland for Pizza via West Magnolia, then up to Caribou 4x4 for some playing. Obviously can't do all of it, but we can do some each direction and it's fun. From there Bruce headed home (he lives in Lafayette), Karla and I went back to Central City via Mammoth Gulch and played until 7pm. A good long day!

Teaser shots:




Bruce bounced the front end pretty good just after this shot and came down hard on that pointed rock. Another +1 for Primitive Skidplates!




Don't let this one fool you! There are a bunch of rocks hidden under here. Bruce tested his skidplates again....




The rest of the photos are from the Central City area after Bruce headed home.




It cracks me up how a lot of the guys that really street tune their cars seem to think it's "cool" to take pictures of their cars holding the camera at an angle. IMO, not that anyone asked, it's ridiculous. So, here's my parody.


Yep, good long day.



Full slideshow: https://outdoors.webshots.com/slideshow/574652051PMHdIO
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Y'all and your dang slide shows and videos, don't you think I might have better things to do than watch y'all romp around through the woods?!?!?!:rolleyessarcastic:

Just kidding, of course!!!:ebiggrin: Awesome, and 'Karla Commentary' RULES!!!:cool:

How come we both have yellow FJ Cruiser buddies??? Heading out with mine Mon. for a bit of wheelin' action.:iconwink:
Y'all and your dang slide shows and videos, don't you think I might have better things to do than watch y'all romp around through the woods?!?!?!:rolleyessarcastic:
No! :p

How come we both have yellow FJ Cruiser buddies??? Heading out with mine Mon. for a bit of wheelin' action.:iconwink:
Do they make em in any other colors? :biggrin: Have fun and make sure you take pics!
SubaCool, great trip report once again. :biggrin:
The teaser pics are great & the slideshow, well, thats even better. :bananatoast:
What else can I say....:yourock:

Mr Turbo