robe 4wd trip

  1. El_Freddo

    Little Dip CP & Wyperfeld NP 4wd trips. *pics warning*

    Little Dip CP & Wyperfeld NP 4wd trips. *pics warning* Little Dip and Beachport Conservation Parks 17-21 October 2011 G'day all Well, we got 4 subarus on this trip that was planned to fill a gap between my cousin's wedding in Adelaide (awesome time) and the Wyperfeld NP trip that Subaruby...
  2. El_Freddo

    Robe Sand 4wd trip Jan 2010

    Robe Sand 4wd trip Jan 2011 G'day all On ausubi we've been planning a sand 4wd trip for a good 7 months now - I couldn't make the initial dates so it was cancelled. Since then it has been resparked for January 2011. Details as follows: Friday the 21st of January to travel to Robe. Leave...