
  1. Ben Up North

    Coming soon: Automagic CLB! (car locator beacaon)

    Saw this in the nws today: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-01-13/cars-that-can-dial-triple-0-after-a-crash-become-reality/9321824 Should be available by the end of the year? The article reads that device gets its location from your mobile or in car GPS, which seems a little odd. You'ld think...
  2. silver

    Spot Tracker

    My nephew told me about this when I was up in Sydney. They all use it on their bike trips etc. I like the look of the PLB. Nice and small and for boat or land. Might be the way to go for me. https://www.findmespot.net.au/rescueme-plb Budget wise it works out better for me also.