
  1. Tweaksta

    Found this scary 4wd rollover footage on YouTube

    I just stumbled across this in-car camera footage of an accident occurring on a dirt road in NSW. Original - Cal and Bud Car rollover 14 December 2013 - YouTube Slow motion - Cal and Bud Car rollover 14 December 2013 Slow motion - YouTube Scary stuff. From the footage it looks like...
  2. scooby

    scooby's foz winch.

    I picked up and Engo 9000s w/ synthetic rope only weighs 60lbs s I'm using a harborfreight universal winch plate to mount. Now the bigger winch is going to draw more amps.. My solution is an Optima D35 yellow top inconjuction with a Tribeca 3.6l H6 130amp alternator.. I had good results...
  3. dxd

    least favorite shot

    that I've processed so far, anyway. I think the ones where it's upside down might be worse :censored: Had a little accident yesterday. A driver pulling out from a parking lot at the side of the road, making a left turn to go the opposite direction that I was. Driver just "didn't see"...
  4. Blue Fox

    Blue Fox 2.0 - 2005 FXT

    Blue Fox Journal 2.0 Yes, unless you frequent often, then you heard correctly. Blue Fox 2.0, the (new to me) 2005 Subaru Forester XT 5-Speed to replace my 2004 XT. I know I haven't posted here in quite some time, and major apologies for that. It's been a rather hectic time...
  5. My Outback Car Accident 2010

    Hi Everyone, After reading taza’s post from last year about his car accident out bush.This accident happened about a year ago. I thought I should share mine and how dangerous outback driving can be also how well built Subaru’s are and the reason we brought another. And MAINLY how Kind,helpful...