4wd trip

  1. El_Freddo

    TR: Lerderderg SP day trip

    Lerderderg 4wd day trip report - 24FEB19 To avoid further "clogging up" of 1WD_Foz's, the trip report! Attendees: Nachaluva Matt - 2.2 equipped SF foz; "L series" Matt in his SH foz with 28 inch tyres; 1WD_Foz Nick - 2.2 equipped SF foz on “honourary” roadies; El Freddo Bennie - 2.2 equipped L...
  2. El_Freddo

    Little Dip CP & Wyperfeld NP 4wd trips. *pics warning*

    Little Dip CP & Wyperfeld NP 4wd trips. *pics warning* Little Dip and Beachport Conservation Parks 17-21 October 2011 G'day all Well, we got 4 subarus on this trip that was planned to fill a gap between my cousin's wedding in Adelaide (awesome time) and the Wyperfeld NP trip that Subaruby...
  3. El_Freddo

    TR: Queen’s B'day Longw'end **Extreme Dialup Warning**

    – Lerderderg/Wombat, Cobaw Forests and Epsom. G’day all! After a lot of running around, planning and anticipation, the long weekend was finally here. There were a group of subi nuts coming from different areas in South Australia for the weekend – these members were: - Phizinza and pero’s –...
  4. El_Freddo

    Vic: Queen's Birthday 4wd Weekend

    G'day everyone! This coming long weekend I'm planning a 3 day 4wd session with some camping on the back hill at my pero's joint and possibly a night out in the forest somewhere (TBA). Friday night camp out is welcomed, if this is not something you can do we can meet up saturday morning and go...