Bunce School rd, CO (report)


Forum Member
May 23, 2009
Brighton, Colorado
Lisa and I went up there today hoping to randezvue with PlainJoe, but unfortunatelly we got off to a late start and didn't get there til noon so we've missed him. But, that didn't stop us from running the trail.
We started out from the south, at Camp Dick. At the gate we passed a group that was unloading their ATVs and they looked confused when they saw us cruise by them and onto the trail. Later on, they've passed us, but stopped soon after to ask for directions :biggrin: :raspberry: After about the first half mile, we came up on two parked Honda Accords with bike racks, sitting at the switchbacks. We've snapped some pics, and kept on going. Overall, the trail wasn't really difficult, just had to watch where we were going. I've scraped the underbody on a rock once due to not paying attention for a moment, but other than that, it was smooth sailing all the way. Nice and mellow, plenty wide (with only a few narrow spots), with only one rocky hill that was a bit steep. I'd say it wasn't any worse than West Magnolia (also rated 3), but beautiful as always. I think I'm getting a bit more cockier the more we do, but I've always been that way :biggrin: Lisa on the other hand is a chicken when it comes to anything that raises blood pressure. But I do have to give her kudos for getting better; she even agreed when I've suggested she should drive some of the trails we've already done. So, YAY! :biggrin:

BTW, can somebody please fix these links so they appear embedded?

Bouncing around at Bunce School

Last (or first from North) section of Bunce School rd
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