Quickie in Colorado - report


Forum Member
May 23, 2009
Brighton, Colorado
Quickie in Colorado - report (heavy on video/pics)

First of all, get your mind out of the gutter, it's not what you think :lol: We got together to wheel on a short notice, sicko! :p

Ok, I know Smash is itching for me to post my material, so I better start with a thread. We got together yesterday and did some wheeling. Started out from Central City, took Mammoth Gulch through Apex towards Rollinsville and West Magnolia towards Nederland. Nothing crazy, but definatelly interesting and beautiful. Then we split up, Smash backtracked on dirt, my family continued to Estes Park on pavement.
Smash has taken mostly pictures, I had the video. I have over half an hour of material, have to sort through it before I upload. Stay tuned, will post soon (hopefully by tomorrow)!

It was a pretty laid back drive, although we both found some play areas, so we still kept it enjoyable. Plus the scenery was just stupidly beautiful!
I got to try Dash through some fun stuff at West Magnolia, but uphill he didn't want to listen. I've decided to let Smash take back the wheel, as I didn't want to hurt Dash's feelings (clutch). I do like manual transmissions, but for this kinda stuff I'll wuss out for an Automatic anyday :biggrin: There were a couple of steep hills where I've decided to 'show off' and stop in the middle of it. The auto pulls like no other on restart. The Geos have helped a lot, and since i've tackled West Magnolia on Potenzas about a month ago, I could definately tell a difference this time around. Being through there before, my wife was also more relaxed this time around :ebiggrin:
No damage, but lots of fun!

Btw, I think I've figured out my camera, got some higher quality shots (which also mean bigger files, so be patient). Uploading to youtube right now...
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Apex rd

Part 1 from Apex rd to Rollinsville>>

Smash following me towards Apex (roof mounted camera):
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwpBRpuYdTc"]YouTube - 01 Smash following[/ame]​

Found an area for Smash to play:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcZZCRjboi0"]YouTube - 02 Smash playin[/ame]​

Crossing a small stream:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83u2sFvEeYo"]YouTube - Small Stream Crossing[/ame]​

Dash likes it wet:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA-8maJKZNM"]YouTube - Smash'n'splash[/ame]​

Kubo playing:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-eP3eBGFYs"]YouTube - 03 Kubo playin[/ame]​

Campgrounds fun:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DkuH2XZhhE"]YouTube - 04 Campgrounds fun[/ame]​

Smash in the woods:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKzxaYlcfSw"]YouTube - Smash in the woods[/ame]

Cool scenic drive-by:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCFOzY4Piag"]YouTube - 05 Drive by[/ame]​
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Part 2, West Magnolia>>

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDHCQwVRtmQ"]YouTube - Up the Hill[/ame]​

Smash downhill having fun on the moguls:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCVJH6Qa25o"]YouTube - 06 Smash downhill fun[/ame]​

Smash uphill climb:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hBwq5WjvBs"]YouTube - 07 Smash uphill[/ame]​

Smash let me take over Dash and got to see his baby in action:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=750H_NXqTew"]YouTube - 08 Kubo downhill fun[/ame]​

Ride up the hill with Smash:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0QosVwQyWA"]YouTube - Ride up the hill[/ame]​

Smash following us through the woods:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8RBcKCne78"]YouTube - 09 More of Smash following[/ame]​

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcWqkvy6exg"]YouTube - Puddles again[/ame]​

Kubo down and up a steep sandy hill. Notice, coming back up, how easy it was for the Automatic to re-start from a dead stop:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbFasz2Vn7w"]YouTube - 10 Steep sandy hill[/ame]​

Smash coming down a steep sandy hill, three wheel action:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud0pMZJxaAA"]YouTube - Smash down a steep sandy hill[/ame]​

Watching the sunset above Estes from the trailhead to Pierson Park rd:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVlm0j4ktXI"]YouTube - Sunset above Estes Park[/ame]​

That's it for the videos. The pictures I have don't match up with Smash's, plus I haven't downloaded them off the camera yet. So, don't hold your breath for those. If I see some that are worth the upload, I'll get them on here.​
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Ooo excellent, will get my pics up soon. SO Karla wasn't with me as she had to work, so they aren't the usual caliber. Subacool's got the sweet vids, I'm twitching in my pants waiting to see him. He's the first person I've let take the wheel offroad, man it was sweet to see Dash in action!
Sweet! Cool to see Dash in action. The drive by turned out pretty good! Bummer you edited out you running your skinny *** all the way back to the Outback with the camera running tho! :lol:
Alrighty, time for my short report!

Well that was absolutely a blast!

Nothing too hard, but Dash and I found some places to play.

We met up at the dirt at 9:30am. I left the dirt at 5pm. again:

Checked out some knew areas I've never seen. Subacool led, as him and Lisa had been there before. OMG it was stunningly beautiful. At the end of the trail they headed up to Estes Park via pavement. I turned around and went home via dirt. Shocking, I know.

No trail damage. Nice, fun, easy day.

Even let Subacool take a hand at the wheel. Gotta say he had a huge grin on his face! Well that was until he tried to tackle a big hill with the 5 speed.
He handed the wheel back to me... (It's the first time I've seen Dash in action, I've never let anyone else do anything but a dirt road with him, and Karla's the only one I've even let do that. It was pretty awesome to watch)

I have some still photos, took a BUNCH of video on Subacool's camera. Hopefully he'll post up soon.

Had a great time coming back, there was a massive storm I just barely outran. It was incredible to watch.

We both started out the day clean. Not as many puddles and mud along this route, but some excellent little stream crossings.

Here we go!








The view was just awe inspiring. I will never tire of the things I see out here.

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBfHrmTlCMM"]YouTube - VID00001 2[/ame]​
Parted ways at the end of the West Magnolia campgrounds. Subacool, Lisa and Annamarie headed up to Estes, I turned around and went back.


Dogs wanted a break, so I went a little nuts with the camera.





Got down into Tolland and realized I needed to pickup the pace. This was headed right into my path and it did NOT look pretty. RUN AWAY!!



It's gonna eat me!!


There was a big, snowcovered mountain there...

Video was quick, I thought the wind was gonna blow me over. Plus, I was getting assaulted by ice pellets!

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9qxsFbQMA8"]YouTube - VID00002[/ame]

Made it to the turn to head in front of the storm, and look what I saw around the corner:


Can you see it? That's the road that leads to home.


Weather was still really threatening, cold and very windy, but atleast now I knew I wasn't gonna get stuck in it.

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdJe4Oc9ZBk"]YouTube - VID00003 2[/ame]
Back home safe and sound. Haha, and looking at this picture I realize that Dash even poses in his parking spot...


Mmmm. Mud splatter. Yum.


wait til ya see what I let Subacool drive through with Dash. Lets just say I did it on the way back too, and a rider on a KTM 950 Adventure (do you know how BIG those bikes are?? This guy was handling it like a toy. He was hardcore) stopped to watch me. He had to find his eyeballs and lower jaw after I got through unscathed without any trouble.

I'm pushing Subacool hard to lead a day on this route. It was really awesome. Nothing hard, nothing to pucker your butt even in a stock Foz, but man the scenery... Hopefully that can happen soon, I know some other Colorado members would really enjoy it! This one's easy enough as long as you're a good driver with skid plates an OB or lower clearance Subi can handle it.
Thanks for sharing yet another great adventure guys. :raz:
Wish I was there with you all to share the, as SubaCool put it, the "stupidly beautiful scenery" :biggrin:
Seeing the pics makes me sooooo jealous of you guys & your latest trip. :)

Mr Turbo
Just goes to show that a 'quickie' can be great too!!!:iconwink::lol:

Awesome report folks.:cool: Excellent demonstration of approach and departure angles in SubaCool's second video, but, you gotta' lose the trailer ball Smash.:p
Nice trip guys!! Wish I was there!! Smash is that the bedliner bumper on the rear?
lookin pretty sweet guys!!
Nope, just an X unpainted bumper. Had to replace it after my elderly neighbor rear ended me trying to pull into a garage. She drives an older model forester (SF), so thankfully I was able to locate parts and fix her Foz as well. Really nice lady! I found the bumper for free to help keep her costs down.