So what mind trips you do? Short ones couple hrs or couple days with camping or even weeks?
I love camping and i found out that my trunk is more comfy to sleep in then tent . i did slept in mine for 2 weeks and it was amazing. I would do it for longer no problem if would have money and free time.
We tow a camper trailer and go camping a few times a year, pretty much drive to destination set up camp and that's it for a few days.
I've only just started building up the car for more adventurous stuff, so the few trips I've done off road recently have been day trips.
Not sure what to do with the camper trailer, thinking of selling it and getting something smaller (it's massive) and lighter, perhaps something that has a roof top tent on it and not much else, so I can fill it up with spare parts, fuel and water for the trips ahead! I've got a few planned for the years ahead.
My schedule for defined trips is:
1. Creb Track, theoretically just a day trip, but challenging, with a fair sized river crossing and a few creek crossings. If the car survives this, It will survive anything I'd want to do in it. This will be my "tester"
The two things that concern me about this track is the steepness (up and down several times) and the crocodiles in the Daintree river.
I aim to tackle this once the wet season is over enough for the ground to dry out and the river level to drop, although the way things are going with the wet season this year, I'll probably be able to do it over the Christmas break!
2. Tip of Cape York (Furthest point north while still on Australian mainland) taking the softer routes of the Old Tele track. Hopefully do this within the next two years.
3. Australia's "Longest Shortcut" to Perth, then home to Cairns via Broome & Darwin This one would be epic, hopefully do it before they pave it all
Then I could comfortably say I'd seen most of Australia, as I've already done most of the east and southern coasts and sizeable chunks of the middle. Oh, and Tasmania, the cold bit down the bottom.
There's some good video of both the Creb Track & the Old Tele Track on you tube, It'll give you some idea of what I'm planning on putting this car through!