Getting a mud bath!


Forum Member
May 23, 2009
Brighton, Colorado
Found some mud, almost hydrolocked the engine (@1:18.), had a f-in great time

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Getting DIrty‬‏[/ame]

Slow mo splashing
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Getting DIrty (in slow motion)‬‏[/ame]

And the after(b)math





Nice one Subacool. I have seen these vids on youtube before. I was wondering about the hydrolocking, fair bit of water there...
Must of been going pretty quick through the mud by the looks?

Anyway cool pics and vids

Yeah... the intake was "modified" from the previous owner to feed from the fender through a pvc elbow, and with my broken fender liner, it doesn't work well when I run it through water (as I've just found out). I'll have to fix that before I hit any big puddles again :o The air filter (K&N) was soaked with water and mud. As soon as the engine died, I've tried restarting it without success. I've pulled the intake and filter right away, set it all out to dry, then pulled the plugs (which were dry with no signs of water), disconnected the fuel relay, and gave it a few good cranks. I've had starter fluid so I've sprayed it into the cylinders before I put the plugs back. 45 minutes later, it started right up. Good thing I've had my tools with me ;) And luckily, the water intake was minimal, but I've changed the oil and cleaned the filter today just in case ;)

I went through that puddle at the top of second gear a couple of times, so yeah, I was moving quite a bit :bcool: The last clip was a close one :rolleyessarcastic:
Great vids SubaCool :) Looks like you had fun.
Nothing better than seeing a bit of sideways driving :twisted:

Mr Turbo
I just wish I had a better camera crew (the tripod works, but doesn't quite work too well..). I've got something in works for the next weekend's rallycross though, so stay tuned ;)
Lookin good man! I was actually roaming through your youtube videos a couple days ago & saw this along with the jeeps ice racing @ georgetown resevoir. Looked like an awesome time!
Lookin good man! I was actually roaming through your youtube videos a couple days ago & saw this along with the jeeps ice racing @ georgetown resevoir. Looked like an awesome time!
Thanks, it sure was!! I've managed a second place in Stock Rubber class running on my all seasons :bcool: My first event, I actually got accused of cheating because no one could figure out how I was able to go so much faster than anybody else :rotfl:

I love my RS! I'm already making plans to start running Hill Climbs, and possibly stage rally at some point. It's too much fun :rock: