3rd annual Dirty Impreza meet and cruse (dirty!!)


Forum Member
May 23, 2009
Brighton, Colorado
DirtyImpreza.com Colorado group got together on Saturday for some back country shenanigans :bcool: Go check out the media thread: https://www.dirtyimpreza.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21483

We had about 30 cars (2 non-Subies) and we've covered more than 120 miles West of Colorado Springs through some amazing back country roads. I'm sorta embarrassed to say i don't remember much of the scenery, but I was too busy tearing it up so I hope that counteracts my "ignorance" :rolleyessarcastic:

Select pics:











And one of the non-Subies "coolest slide of the day captured on camera" (my buddy's Chevy Beretta)


And a few vids:

(tilt your head, I went by so fast the camera guy didn't realize he was holding the cam sideways :p)
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNTXRPDEX2s"]YouTube - ‪Rotated Drift Subaru Impreza WRX STI DIRTY IMPREZA MEET.MOV‬‏[/ame]

(0:16 is my fly by..)
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcccLGxDPHc"]YouTube - ‪CRUISE BY: DIRTY IMPREZA MEET.MOV‬‏[/ame]

Walking down the line of cars..
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQFTqWmErdU"]YouTube - ‪DIRTY IMPREZA MEET 2011‬‏[/ame]
Almost forgot!! One of the coolest slides captured, and it was a non-Subie :rolleyessarcastic::rock:

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CEWiYJRpxE"]YouTube - ‪Beretta Drift at the Dirty Impreza Spring Meet‬‏[/ame]

My buddy Ryan ralycrosses with me and he knows how to turn this wrong wheel drive thing. To top things off, it's an AUTOMATIC!! :eek:
Looks like it was a good time! Never seen a Beretta move like that! I bet you guys have been dying for warmer weather with all the snow this winter.
Looks like it was a good time! Never seen a Beretta move like that! I bet you guys have been dying for warmer weather with all the snow this winter.
I say bring on the snow!! I've had way too much fun ice racing at Georgetown lake this past winter ;) A-Basin is still running. I'm thinking of going skiing the first week of June :bcool:
Looks & sounds like you guys had a great time :ebiggrin:
Great vids too mate :iconwink:
I really like the vid of the Chevy Beretta sliding :) Brilliant :biggrin:

Mr Turbo
Now that looks like a great meet!!!:cool:

Will have to come back to watch the vids, but looks like a fantastic time!!! Closed roads???
I like the way you took to that curve when everybody else looked like they were out for a sunday drive :rock:
I like the way you took to that curve when everybody else looked like they were out for a sunday drive :rock:
Thanks!! Me, Ryan (Beretta), and Eric ('02 bugeye with a rally roof vent) were really the only ones that were getting into it a lot (3 real rallycrossers!). Truly, I've been getting a lot of "wow, you really know how to slide that thing!!" all day long :bcool: I've watched the blue wagon slide off into the little rain ditch with his right rear tire and he popped the front left up in the air about a foot and a half! Scared the crap out of them :lol: Funny thing is, I've done the same thing just a few corners earlier, except i was barely fazed by it ;) Just steered into it, downshifted, and powered out without even flinching :bcool: Yesterday was just full of AWESOME!!! :monkeydance:
LOL :rotfl: Actually, when I first saw this Foz on Saturday, I've thought of Smash and Karla ;)

Ya know...my first thought was of Karla laying down up there with a camera strapped to her head.:ebiggrin:
I could just imagine that :rotfl: together with Karla screaming weeeee, this is fun :lol:

Mr Turbo
Bwahahaha, I don't DARE show that to Karla, she'll make me find the money to fix up the Suburban and/or the Foz (it's drivable, but I wouldn't trust it off pavement) so she could install one of those!

Thanks to Carl for pointing me to this thread.

Looks like you had a good time Kubo.