Membership 'Status'

Ben Up North

can only hope to improve
Oct 1, 2017
Car Year
2004 | 1992
Car Model
SG Forester X MY05 | 92 SVX
5MT D/R | 4EAT
At the risk of sounding ageist... :biggrin:

I don't feel like a senior member.

I think membership status should require more than just the number of posts that have been made. Perhaps a formula using a combination of threads started, posts per year and length of membership would be a better solution.

And at the risk of becoming facebooky perhaps some kind of rating system on 'helpfulness' of posts & threads would be good. This could make searching for useful information easier, :)
There is a "reputation" option already - you can add to a member's reputation by clicking on the scales icon. :iconwink:

Length of membership can be gauged but I think threads started or posts per year is not something that is a part of the "promotion" system but I will check.

I have been considering making some changes to the promotion system so thanks for the input!
I feel the same as Ben. I just noticed I am suddenly a senior member and I'm really just a newcomer. I think length of membership needs to be a qualifier. I would think a year or two of membership should be required regardless of the number of posts before senior member status is achieved.

Number of posts is not the best gauge anyway as a post can simply be a single word in response to someone else's post. I tend to agree with Ben too that threads started would be more indicative of a member's value contributions. This raises another issue in that it is difficult to figure out how to start a new thread in some cases. I posted yesterday with some photos of our club member's cars but it wasn't easy to figure out where that post should go. Would it be possible, when starting new threads, to have to check a few boxes indicating what the thread content is about and the site then uses those criteria to decide where to put the thread?
[MENTION=15642]Beachworm[/MENTION] The intelligence you suggest is probably possible but would require a lot of non-standard code which admin are not prepared to support as it would interfere with future updates.

If in doubt about a thread location just post it wherever you wish and if necessary it can be moved - just as I have moved this and your referenced thread :iconwink:

Thanks for your suggestions re rankings.
I've started work on the "Promotions" features. At certain times you may notice your status changing as I move stuff around in the background.

Initially I've made "New Members" as the default User Group upon registration and they will then be promoted to "Forum Members" after 30 days AND 10 posts.
Threads started may not be the best answer either. Those with more experience don’t need to ask as many questions but may answer more. I don’t know what the answer is, for me it’s not such a concern. As for being senior, I’m younger than Kevin so I feel quite ok.��

The VBulletin system allows promotions based on join date, post count and reputation along with various combinations of boolean operators AND, OR.

User default "Reputation":

User is infamous around these parts
User can only hope to improve
User has a little shameless behaviour in the past
User is an unknown quantity at this point
User is on a distinguished road
User will become famous soon enough
User has a spectacular aura about
User is a jewel in the rough
User is just really nice
User is a glorious beacon of light
User is a name known to all
User is a splendid one to behold
User has much to be proud of
User has a brilliant future
User has a reputation beyond repute
Oh my.
I sincerely trust I'm the second option, because I've got a lot of improvement to do.

Oh.. isn't this about life?:rotfl:
:lol: Yes, that's actually for a negative reputation, minus 10 I think!

They'e fairly generic!
[MENTION=44]Rally[/MENTION] [MENTION=15623]Ben Up North[/MENTION]

I'm disappointed - there's been absolutely no comment on your tailored titles! :ebiggrin:
I wasn't game to say anything in case you changed it back..! :p
