warning on portable butane cooker

Thanks for that. Ours is the Campmaster CM2270 which we only use to boil the billy, so (for the time being at least) we're good to go.
Good pick up Subaruby. I will alert a friend who has a Gasmate. When camping recently he was having problems with it. He ended up using my Primes gas stove.
^ Yeah, Lefty, most things work OK if used correctly. I'm one of those pedantic types who (almost) always reads the instructions. Mostly, these provide valuable information and advice.

ALL fuel gasses are inherently very dangerous. These days, a lot of reticulated gas is lighter than air, so not as dangerous as LPG, acetylene, etc that are heavier than air. The latter types can form hidden pools of gas - e.g. in the floor of a vehicle or tent etc.

The recall has only been done in the last few days, following several deaths in NSW.

One problem with the Internet is that info can often be years old, and wrong ...

A huge benefit of the Internet is that we can all have access to this kind of info almost instantly. If that saves just one life, it's paid for itself ... :poke:.
There's raging discussion on this in a number of other forums, most particularly in ExplorOz.com.

The key to all the reported incidents that I have been able to locate is MISUSE, by sticking a BBQ plate or oversize pan on the thing so a huge amount of (a) "exhaust gas", and (b) reflected heat cause overheating of the canister.

This particular aspect is noted in the Elgas notice: "do not use oversized pans or large grill plates. The pot or pan should not overhang the butane cartridge area."

There is a lot of urban myth and Chinese whispers around the reported incidents. I seriously challenge the "three deaths" though, and would welcome evidence of those if they did in fact occur.