Anyone with a SubaXtreme Sump Guard on an Outback?


Forum Member
Dec 15, 2013
Car Year
2018 / 2008
Car Model
4Runner / Tribeca
Does anyone here have a SubaXtreme sump guard on an Outback?

I am trying to determine whether the SubaXtreme becomes the lowest point of an Outback once installed. I was told by them that they do not "feel" so, but we are talking 1 to 1.5 cm here, so I need precise measurements.

Preferably, that would be a 2010+ but any OB would be better than none.

Ratbag did measure his Foz clearance--and the results seemed great. However, I looked under a 2011 FXT recently and I noticed that the exhaust tubes seem to get to the middle undercarriage in a way totally different from the OB--and much friendlier to a skid plate design.

So, if you have a SubaXtreme sump guard on an Outback please let me know if the skid plate sits lower than the undercarriage's lowest unprotected point, which would be somewhere along the exhaust system, in my case the place where the two tubes (it is a 6) meet after the CATs. In my case, the bottom of my front skid plate is 0.5" (1.25 cm) lower than that point.

No, I did not. I now have @NachaLuva's 2" lift and still use the Primitive plates. I am no longer trying to save every quarter inch of ground clearance I can!

In addition, the 2" lift gives the OB a more traditional 4x4 undercarriage setup where the rear diff is the lowest point and the rest is pretty good (or better). The front and AT skid plates are no longer the lowest point but rather have about 1" more clearance than the rear diff plate.

I might go for the Suba X if the Primitive one breaks though.