Image Resizer


Forum Member
May 23, 2009
Brighton, Colorado
Everybody should have this Windows XP add-on. It's very small and very easy to use. Download, install, and resize. After installation, you'll get one additional option in your "righ-click" menu to resize your pictures. You can resize one at a time as well as a 200 (or more). And it does a great job in bringing down the file size for web-friendly uploads without much quality loss. Just an example, it reduced a 3.8MB jpeg file into like a 96Kb jpeg file (800x600). So, uploading the smaller sized pictures would make the forum run faster. Just a thought?
Windows XP ImageResizer (ImageResizer.exe)
I've found some Vista add-ons too, but haven't had a chance to try them. Just google image resizer vista and it should show some choices. I haven't found an official add-on for Vista on microsoft's web, so try at your own risk. Maybe some computer wiz can modify the XP version to make it work with Vista?

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Good find & a great idea SubaCool. :)
Thats how I resize my pics. Its a great tool to have. I usually choose the small option (640 x 480).

Mr Turbo